"I was blown away by the level of quality and professionalism I experience with Gatsby Glass. I will not hesitate to hire his company again for my other bathroom when the time comes. Thank ..."Shane W

Gatsby Glass’s Ultra Gentle Wash

Maintain Your Investment And Limited Lifetime Warranty In Ultra Ice Pro With The Following Steps:
Once or twice a week, the shower door should be wiped with a clean microfiber cloth to remove body oils, soaps, and shampoos from the surface.
As part of your after care process, use our Ultra Gentle Wash to maintain clarity and our Lifetime Warranty
Once a week (or more) when the glass/shower door is dry, Ultra Gentle Wash should be evenly sprayed directly onto the entire surface. It is important to wipe in a circular motion with a clean, dry, microfiber cloth to buff and shine the surface.
Our Ultra Gentle Wash is environmentally friendly, UV resistant, and anti-static. It is excellent for general cleaning and polishing multiple surfaces including granite, marble, tile, stainless steel, finished wood, TVs, and computer screens.
We know you will love it so much you’ll want more! Contact your local Gatsby Glass at (866) 479-2870 for information.